1-6 of Total 6
"The previous process was not completed. Resuming previous process," "Resuming the previous proce...
This error may occur due to a temporary communication issue. Please wait and try again at a later time. If the issue persists, contact Apple Care for support... Show Detail
Unable to operate the app, unable to press any buttons
Please check your communication environment and restart your device to resolve the issue. If it persists, try reconfiguring your Suica. *Steps for reconfigu... Show Detail
The iPhone/Apple Watch on which I configured a digital Suica card broke.
The steps to address this issue depend on whether you can operate the Wallet app. *If your Wallet is operable: Remove your Suica from the device and reconf... Show Detail
The Welcome Suica Mobile app shows the initial (Welcome) screen even though I have already issued...
If your Suica disappears from your device, it can be used again after you reconfigure the Suica to your device. (https://apfaq.mobilesuica.com/faq/show/6916?... Show Detail
My debit or prepaid card payment failed, but the amount was still deducted from my bank account.
If the top-up operation to your Suica was not completed, the amount will be refunded at a later date if it has already been deducted from your account. For d... Show Detail
I lost the iPhone/Apple Watch on which I set up a Suica.
If you have lost the iPhone from which you issued your Suica via the Welcome Suica Mobile app (including theft), follow these steps to reissue your Suica. ... Show Detail
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