I see a message that says "This Suica has already been reissued. Please delete it from Wallet. (...
Information from the Suica before reissuance remains in Wallet. In this state, the reissued Suica cannot be reconfigured on the device. Delete the existing S... Show Detail
I see a message that says "This Card is Already in Wallet."
If this error occurs, please contact Apple Care for support. It is possible that a Suica migration error occurred during a device change or replacement. Show Detail
I see a message that says "Could Not Connect to Apple Pay. Make sure you are connected to the Int...
This message appears when a top-up operation fails due to a communication issue. Try again in a stable network environment. If the problem persists, contact ... Show Detail
Error Code C008 comes up, preventing me from setting up a Suica card.
This error occurs when the process of setting up Suica on Apple Pay (Wallet) cannot be completed due to one of the following reasons. Please check below and ... Show Detail
I see a message that says "Your mobile device is not eligible for monetary transactions. (2530)"
This error appears if the account is suspended for security reasons following multiple top-up attempts or app operations. In order to protect your Welcome Su... Show Detail
I see a message that says "Currently deleting Suica information from the device. Please wait. (C1...
This message appears when there is a device malfunction or unstable communication. Please delete your Suica (transfer it to the server) and try reconfiguring... Show Detail
I see a message that says "This Suica cannot be used at this time. (C111)"
This indicates that there is an incomplete process or system error with Apple Pay. This error can also occur in unstable network conditions or after consecut... Show Detail
I see a message that says "This Suica cannot be used at this time. (C110)"
This message appears in case of a device malfunction. Please try the following steps. If the issue occurs frequently, contact Apple Care for support. [Resta... Show Detail
I see a message that says "Suica Issuance Error: Suica issuance process failed. (C005)"
This error may occur if Suica is already set up on another device signed in with the same Apple ID. In this case, either sign in with a different Apple ID or... Show Detail
I see a message that says "Argument Error" or "Argument Range Error."
This error occurs when the default browser is set to a browser other than Safari, such as Chrome or Edge, and an external link is tapped. Set the default bro... Show Detail
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